Sunday, January 25, 2009

Many have villified Men. But the same allogations could be directed against women.

this article is still under construction.

Many people try stereotyping men as horrible, demonic creatures.

Yet, throughout nature:
The FEMALE member of most species is by far, the most violent.
One could argue, this has persisted for most of earth's history.

As for humans,
it's probably more common for a woman to bestow a medieval mentality.

If someone dares to disagree with her,
she would commence sentence for daring to take opposition.

Also, many people describe males as sexual predators.
But this claim could easily be disputed by social restrictions.
For centuries,
families had practiced relaxed attitudes toward male nudity.
Which means,
young girls were given the opportunity to view the male anatomy.
While, any boy attempting similar outcome would be branded a rapist.

Basically, social standards are designed to work against him.
Girls are aware of this, from the time they are young.
For example:
during her adolescence, she could punch him, scratch him,
without being punished.
Or, on a different level:
she might casually begin pulling down his shorts.
(the term is "Pansied)
Then, if he tries the same, she'll threaten to either tell-on-him,
or, have him jailed for 50 years.

A teenage girl could freely touch the male body.
While, in contrast, her body was off-limits.
The boy would be running the risk of severe punishment.
So, we must account for these standards.

The public reacts differently depending upon ones gender.
For example:
Mothers around the world will often keep their sons naked,
perhaps until the age of 7;
while the daughters are immediately clothed.
We're not trying to suggest that women are evil villains.
However, if an older male briefly encountered a similar situation,
it would seem terrible.
Just imagine a bunch of fathers sitting on their porch,
while their daughters are running through the yard naked.

Once again,
we must consider the social liberties which are given to women.

feminists often describe males as borderline criminals.
Such stereotypes are based upon their own statistical data.
But unfortunately,
they also rely upon general information provided by reliable sources.
So, if females report 95% of all domestic violence,
this figure becomes solidified.
When, in reality, a male is unlikely to report abuse.
So, there's no way of knowing actual numbers involved.

While, in contrast,
women commonly falsify accounts during separation disputes.
As a result, this weighs the settlement favorable to her.
Roughly half of all domestic violence allegations result from this circumstance.

and then, there's the issue of Abortion.
There's no need to go into further detail.
Except noticing the uncivilized manner which this issue is typically discussed.
A simple debate usually results in the woman trying to scratch your eyes out.

boys are attacked by media,
television, books,
newspapers, pamphlets,
internet , and what-have-you.
So, each day, he's reminded of their presence.
This is very discouraging.
But, this type of oppression is not considered a crime.

omit:some of them are bound to resort to retaliation.

Many people claim that matriarchal societies are superior.
Now, to determine which societies are violent;
Here's the answer: ALL Cultures practice warfare.
The reason has much to do with geography, and struggling with each-other.

ALso, women adore warriors.
You cannot simply blame men for all the world's troubles.

Plus, women are equally responsible for all imperial crimes.
For example:
Adolf Hitler was accepted by each member of society,
male or female.
Josef Stalin was also popular amongst women.
When Britain conquered the world,
the idea was embraced by its citizens, man or woman alike.

Women support wars,
while, many men oppose them.

Ironically, women nowadays are taught to be 'aggressive warriors'.
It's ironic how women are praised for such undesirable behavior.

In typical
girlfriends are given liberty to yell at their partners.
while he's not supposed to argue back.

The media has spent decades discussing social patriarchy.
But, opposite claims could easily be made.
In any case, it's often a matter of opinion.
Even though,
the female viewpoint is automatically perceived correct.
Social standards dictate: the woman is always correct.

Also, there's the issue of sexist stereotyping:
What gives her the right to cast negative judgment upon males?
It's somewhat interesting how this has become acceptable practice.

In conclusion:
If Women's Groups try stereotyping men as "Terrible Creatures",
we could certainly make a similar case against her.
Since the dawning of time,
the female capacity for violence is